Sunday, July 5, 2009

Recirculating marine aquaculture: farmed fish minus the pollution

Recirculating marine aquaculture photo

Image credit: UMBI Center of Marine Biotechnology

Fully Contained, Indoor Fish Farming

The dire state of global fish stocks is pretty well known by now - with costs of poor management of fish stocks running to $50 billion a year. Yet what's the alternative? Sea-based fish farming carries dire environmental risks, and while a few brave souls are experimenting with urban aquaculture, a solution to feeding the world's appetite for seafood without depleting the world's seas still seems a long way off. The Baltimore Sun brings us news from the UMBI Center of Marine Biotechnology in Maryland, who have developed a system for supplying sustainable seafood from on-land farms.

The system, dubbed Recirculating Marine Aquaculture, creates artificial seawater that is recycled using a select group of microorganisms, and solid waste is collected and used to produce methane that helps power the operations. The center is also trying to develop a new fish food based on algae and plants - rather than ground up fish. …

Recirculating Marine Aquaculture: Farmed Fish Minus the Pollution

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