Thursday, February 26, 2009

After the crash, Iceland's women lead the rescue

Iceland's prime minister Johanna Sigurdardottir. Photograph AP Photo/Brynjar Gauti Photograph: Brynjar Gauti/AP 

"We have five core feminine values. First, risk awareness: we will not invest in things we don't understand. Second, profit with principles - we like a wider definition so it is not just economic profit, but a positive social and environmental impact. Third, emotional capital. When we invest, we do an emotional due diligence - or check on the company - we look at the people, at whether the corporate culture is an asset or a liability. Fourth, straight talking. We believe the language of finance should be accessible, and not part of the alienating nature of banking culture. Fifth, independence. We would like to see women increasingly financially independent, because with that comes the greatest freedom to be who you want to be, but also unbiased advice." …

After the crash, Iceland's women lead the rescue

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