Saturday, May 15, 2010

The NY Times, Wall Street Journal, and Washington Post all rejected op-ed/letter from 255 National Academy of Sciences members defending climate science integrity

Here’s the state of science journalism in America today: Sarah Palin gets two anti-science op-eds in the Washington Post, and actual climate scientists get none.

Last week, I wrote about the remarkable letter in Science supporting the accuracy of climate science, signed by 255 National Academy of Sciences members, including 11 Nobel laureates.

The insufficiently-covered letter has been kept alive as a story for two reasons.  First, the editors at Science ran the letter with a ‘photoshopped’ ‘collage’ (see above).  Second, we learned that the authors first tried to get some of the newspapers that have been publishing dubious attacks on climate scientists to publish the piece as an op-ed, but were rejected. …

NY Times, WSJ, and Washington Post all rejected op-ed/letter from 255 National Academy of Sciences members defending climate science integrity - MSM largely ignored it, but unintentionally clever ploy by Science with polar bear artwork got the anti-science crowd to read it

1 comment:

Snapple said...

Thanks for reading my post about the NETCU.

This might interest you.

The great Russian scientist Dr. Roald Sagdeev signed the open letter. He openly distanced the Soviet Academy of Sciences from the KGB lie about AIDS.